Sunday, September 21, 2008


Well I've been slacking on the blog thing lately - sorry 'bout that!

As for an update:
We were able to go to NJ last weekend for a wedding. We had a wonderful time reconnecting with each other, old friends, and some family members! Tomorrow we are headed off to the beach for a much needed rest. I look forward to what God has for us over the course of the week in terms of our marriage and life direction! I will do my best to blog some of my thoughts and happenings upon our return next week!

Until then, here is my new favorite song by Natalie Grant - enjoy!


Anonymous said...

How was the beach? I hope you two enjoyed the much deserved time off!


hannah said...

hmmm..that was an ok tune. Kinda racous por mi. Hard on the auditory processors, some. I love Van Morrison and Natalie Merchant.

Hhe Rocks. And I am a Gibralto Swinging 400, hypothesizing. Never had to wonder, never knew how. But can bring it....on if necessary.

However, that's not my problem; Not my bat'le. I am Lucy in Aslan's world, for better or worse. This is not about me in the least and definitely not in a divinelike intervention, to boot. And that's the light411, pullin back sum digits. Can't do that. I am my mother's daughter.. And I very totally good and well. Bein a skiughrt.

The Russian

Undeserved, beyond my Will and control, a gift and a guide, speaking the language of my heart and Heart. Life and Honesty, and honesty, and life co sailing--if not co morbid ly.(smile...can you hear that).

Bam, GREATce, Validity in Salsa, (Square Dancing, Snoopafella don't know, don't care) His web title, &, my WindTweet Indigeonus Folks' appellation.

So...back to rushin'>>>>>>>

Graetce w/the power to be used and imitated, to change more into myself..peeling away layers of deadness, opening me. I want to run, but like a magnet of God, they call me home. Promises not to leave me up. I am slowly taking him inside myself, breathing the kettle power, reciprocally speaking (smile w/gigan't halfmoon crescent) Breathing her the toll's power, and when I have been unfolded, Greatce Will be at my cen t er.

ana nim

So, Courtney... Is it and it is . hello and thankyou for September's blog song. Frequency waves and surfing is too much momentarily. Want to call Doc Phallic and spew all is well and good.

OH!! gosh, does it matter that I did not understand that the Awesome porpoise was NOT evidenced in the First Book. Recently been hurting and mad at M&D about that one. Was He minor protagonist. Or not there? Ignorance is not bliss, gestaltually speaking. Did Paul know, hear...what. I'm scared and tearful about this confusion. And, but also having tough time through that Big novel. Just on 1st pg., and already muffled.

In 1st Day school, crazy siblings,and shakers attended better to the first book's action-packed movies, like a BraavValentine so I've been told. Easier to comply with norms. M&D still don't know, so I'm not messin w/it w/them.
My favorite is Gladiator.

Sorry. verbage.
Sorry if taxidermy morriscoad troubles the Cause. Couldn't quiet the shakes.imisu

Courtney said...

Hannah -
Thanks for stopping by.
I'm not sure what you're talking about there. Sounds like you have a lot on your mind though.

hannah said...

Please believe me when I say I do not ramble so long not knowing the blog's admin.

And on the other hand, I was just tired and I shan't go back to read that post. In fact. will you delete?

Here's the real scoop!!
I heard your name along with 2 male Z-certified staff persons. when I inquired further explanation re: Cobb's Squat Variation. Last page in R-Phase manual.

Z wrote me back. Telling me there were @ three Z-folks capable of showing me SV.

I have a great Z Kettle Bell trainer near by, but his foot does not allow him to squat into a Frog-in-Prayer pose (for lack of a term-inspired by Cobb).

So, since I enjoy a challenge (or an adventure) I hunted the three of you down like a Lion in the Urban.

Found your blog. Got in it to share a poem called The Russina (Kbel'r), but poem was really about God's love and the Grace He give all (ie.,Love,Learning Grace,all day and everyday.

I like your blogging writing. Do you teach "clients" SV?
I am trying to get more power back into my upper legs.

T hanks.