Sunday, December 23, 2007

A Personal Christmas

It's Christmas time again. I'm taking a slight detour prior to continuing my train of thought from the last post.

For some reason John 3:16 is stuck in my head. This is one of those verses we've all heard at least 10,000 times.

"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. "

The personal application of this statement finally hit home. I'm not sure why I finally got it after 25+ years, or why I didn't get it sooner. I remember having to recite this verse as a class in Sunday school with our own name in place of "the world" - but I don't think I ever believed that I was actually included. As I've been sitting and enjoying our Christmas tree over the last few days, I've been picturing the night Jesus came to earth clothed as a baby. He came incognito to rescue me. I am part of "the world" and I am a "whoever." Jesus came for me personally as He has also come for you. I hope that during the hustle and bustle of the season, your heart remembers this verse in a personal way as well. Christmas is about the insertion of a spec ops unit whose mission was to rescue our hostage hearts!

"Thanks be to God for this indescribable gift!" 2 Cor 9:15

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Further up and further in!

I love the "Chronicles of Narnia." Something about them makes my heart come alive. One of my favorite parts is the ending from "The Last Battle." If you've never read the series, it is worth reading and re-reading. My words cannot do the writings of literary great C.S. Lewis justice, but trust me, they are wonderfully refreshing to read. (Trix are not just for kids either ;) )

In the last few chapters, the world of Narnia comes to an end, and all the creatures who were true to Aslan get to go with him into "Aslan's country." (It is a beautiful picture of the end times and the new heaven and earth) As they begin to explore the new "world" they realize that everything seems to be familiar. It looks similar to the old Narnia, yet more real somehow. It is as if the original Narnia was but a shadow or mirage of the real thing. All the creatures race deeper into this new world bursting with unimaginable joy and depth of experience. As they continue on into the country, the interior seems to get larger and more true - they enter a garden with golden walls, and the inside is larger than the outside - like peeling an onion backwards!

My favorite line of all is when the unicorn cries "further up and further in!" It is a call to join in the adventure with absolute abandon. To be swept up into a reality that is more wild and more real than anything experienced before. Where each door opens up to something greater, where things are more than we could ever dare to imagine. For,"As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts." (Is 55:9)

I look forward to the day when we can enter into the joy of eternity, when all things will be made right and new. The imagery from C.S. Lewis writings often keeps me going when things get tough. As much as possible, I want to live in a deeper reality in this lifetime as well. "Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me." (Philippians 3:12)

Stay tuned - I will post my thoughts on how I'm beginning this process of living in true reality next time!

Monday, December 3, 2007

Singing in the dark

This post may be a little gritty. I hesitate to bring this subject up so early in my blogging history. However, I feel compelled to speak of suffering, since it is a part of life and we all experience it. My recent experiences have again bridged the gap between intellectual knowledge and heart knowledge. I will not pretend that my trials are all that weighty or profound compared to the troubles of others, but regardless, pain is not fun.

Have you ever been in the grip of despair? When the lights go out and you feel all alone in the dark without hope? I have. Most of us have. I have been to the point of despairing of my very life. I have groaned in the anguish of my soul until it literally felt like my guts were coming out, and the only response was . . . silence. I have experienced, to some degree, the night of the human soul. And when you are in the midst of it, the night feels as though it will never end.

But it is in this night, this "training circle," that you are tried and tested. Your character becomes forged like steel. Through the pain you are shaped into you - somehow, someway, good comes from evil, and joy comes from despair. God does have a plan, and His plan is good. How often we forget that we are at war! There is a battle going on for our hearts and there will be collateral damage (or the occasional direct hit). We may not ever know how our story will evolve, but we can be sure of the ending. To quote Leigh from Ransomed Heart ministries: "Will you love God even though you don't understand your story? Will you trust Him when everything has been taken away? In the end, is He enough? The world is dark and getting darker. The world is in desperate need of deliverers who are forged in the fires of suffering. It is the enemy's attack that forges the deliverer. God is shaping you through suffering so that you can turn around and destroy the enemy."

During my "night" I thought God had abandoned me. But then, when I thought all hope was gone, He brought some very special people into my life. He demonstrated his love and steadfastness through them in a very tangible way. Because of this, I have learned (in a small way) to be thankful for my "thorn." My trial has not yet ended, but the inky blackness is steadily giving way to light. I am now better equipped to "comfort as I have been comforted" (2 Cor 1:4) I do not yet know how my trial will shape my story, or how long it will persist. But I will choose to trust that God's heart is good, and that He knows even if I don't. If you are in a similar place in your life, hold on. Hold fast, help is on the way. The night will end. Dawn will come. In the meantime, will you trust Him?

What if, when the night falls, we thumb our noses at the enemy and sing in the dark? The following songs may help. They have helped me more than I can say.

Josh Groban: "Don't Give Up (You are loved)"

Casting Crowns: "Praise You in this Storm"

Mercy Me: "Hold Fast"

Sunday, November 25, 2007

My Story

This blog is about our story - yours and mine. It is about the question we all ask at one time or another: "Who am I , and what is my purpose in life." This year has been about this question. It is the first time in my life I have really stopped long enough to ponder this. I don't have all the answers yet, but I'm glad I'm asking the question, because I am now on a journey that is exciting and a little bit scary. It is the road to becoming me - the real me - the me I was created to be!

My "shift" began around March of 2007, and was sparked by a combination of physical and emotional changes through Z health, a women's retreat, and a business cruise. I'm not sure I can explain what happened, but through these avenues, I was exposed to a new way of thinking about myself and life in general. I began to realize that I have been living my life out of fear. The fear of failing to live up to expectations, the fear that someday I would be discovered as a fraud. Through my interactions with some great people during this time period, I began to see that I was in fact valuable and worthwhile just because I am - not for what I do. During the women's retreat we talked a lot about our true identity in Christ. The fact that I am loved by an almighty God who paid the ultimate price to have relationship with me, and the fact that heaven and hell are literally at war over my life and heart is something that I knew intellectually, but never actually understood on a heart level. I am now finally beginning to understand that as a woman, I reflect the glory of God. I am worth something because the Creator of the universe thinks I'm worthy of His love. That he created me in His image means that in some way, I reflect His beauty, creativity, intellect, compassion . . . And the most exciting thing is that He invites me (us) to play a part in His story. So this is where I am now - Finally beginning to understand my worth as a woman/human, and now working to discover how to live out the role/purpose I have been designed for. I am called to a deeper reality, a more abundant life. I am called to live with joyful abandon and rest in the hands of my Creator. The question now is how!