So I left off some time ago with the question of how to live in a deeper, more true, and free reality. As I've made some recent forays into the realm of neuroscience through Z Health and independent reading, I've discovered some things pertinent to this discussion. I'd like to kick off my thoughts on "brain training" with my interpretation of a few neuroscience concepts as they relate to this subject.
Concept # 1: The individual's perception of events constitutes that individual's reality.
The brain is constantly processing a flood of internal and external stimuli. There are massive feedback loops in the brain through which information from higher cortical processing areas (this information can include: beliefs, expectations, memories of past experience, and emotions) flow "down" to influence incoming stimuli. These feedback loops not only act to confirm the accuracy of incoming stimuli, but can actually alter this information as well. Apparently, if incoming stimuli don't match up to what the brain expects (because of current emotional state, past experience, confusing/conflicting stimuli, or asynchronous "body maps"), the mind can confabulate a reality that "makes sense." This concept can help explain the phenomena of out of body experiences and body dysmorphic disorders etc. This concept also indicates that a change in belief structure, thought processes, or emotional habits can actually change your reality!
Note: This certainly does not mean that every experience can be influenced by a change in your thinking or belief structure! You cannot alter the law of gravity no matter how much you believe you can fly! Absolute truth/reality does exist, but a lot of the "reality" that we experience on a day to day basis is a perception which may or may not be true.
Concept #2: Brain architecture is plastic.
For a long time in the world of science, it was thought that the brain and neural structures could not change. We now know that the nervous system is extremely plastic (able to change). Neural connections are constantly being "pruned" or strengthened according to use. This can actually lead to a change in structure (increased number of synapses, capillary density, volume of white matter etc) of the brain. This is very exciting because it means that we are not "locked into" a state of being. Use patterns can in fact alter your brain!
Concept #3: Based on concept # 2, the way you think is a trainable skill.
Ok - so that's a "no s---t sherlock" concept, but until now, I always thought that mental practice and visualization was kind of hokey. It has been shown, that by simply imagining yourself performing a skill, (ie: piano fingering or strength exercises) the ability to perform that skill can be dramatically improved. Studies have shown that the amount of neural reorganization is almost as great as that which occurs with actual physical practice. To extrapolate this concept to our current discussion then, thought patterns and beliefs are also skilled behaviors which are in fact alterable through training (thinking). (Combine thinking skills with movement skills for double whammy!)
With the above concepts in mind, it now appears that, through training, it is in fact possible to alter your reality! So, to live in a more true reality, one must consistently train thought patterns to align with . . . (drum roll please) . . . . Truth!
Now I understand why the following verse is so important: "We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." 2 Cor 10: 5-6 (emphasis mine)
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